Not only does eImpound provide lien holder and registered owner information to towing and storage providers and pay users per VIN submitted, it also now allows users to send notification letters, documents, forms, pictures, and more to lien holders electronically.

It shows that the notification letter has been sent, received, viewed, and/or responded to by the lien holder as well, which satisfies the requirement in most states of notification being sent and tracked to make sure it was received by the lien holder.

Lien holders also have the ability to respond electronically to eImpound users with documents, call them, or email them back.

Its simple now - You will see a green button titled "Exchange Files with Lien Holder" in the impound record, when a lien holder is identified. Click that and follow the easy instructions on how to upload documents, forms, pictures, and more and send them electronically. Lien holders have the ability to respond to you electronically as well with documents and more.

This is a game changer saving towing and storage providers money and time in putting together mail notifications and sending them in the snail mail. Its 2021, and it should be free, electronic, and traceable just like this!

This is on top of eImpound also providing digital dispatch, storage lot management and tracking, invoicing, and much more.

Please let us know what else we can do to improve your eImpound experience and help your day to day operations.

-- John at eImpound

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